Kake Soba

Kake Soba is the hot variation of a traditional Japanese dish comprised of:

  • Tsuyu broth (Soya based)
  • Scallions
  • Soba noodles (buckwheat noodles)

The History of Soba (aka. Buckwheat)

  • Buckwheat is one of the first crops to have been domesticated. Originating in Southeast Asia ~6,000 years ago, Buckwheat spread to Central Asia, Tibet, the Middle East, and Europe.
  • A sample of Buckwheat pollen found in Japan dates back to 4000BCE.
  • Buckwheat was introduced to North America in the 1600s and became a staple crop for livestock feed.
    • In 1918, more than 1 million acres of Buckwheat was harvested in America.

Historical Significance of Soba

  • During the Edo period in Japan (1603-1868), Soba dishes gained popularity due to the high thiamine content in the buckwheat noodles.
    • The white rice heavy diet of the time did not contain thiamine. As a result, a large percentage of the poorer population of the period suffered from beriberi, a severe medical condition developed in people with low thiamine diets.

Interesting Facts

  • The majority of Buckwheat crops produced in America are exported to Japan, primarily for the production of Soba noodles!
    • In 2013, 96% of Buckwheat exported from the U.S. was to Japan.
  • Russia, China, and Kazakhstan are the world’s foremost producers of buckwheat.
  • Buckwheat is not a wheat. In fact, buckwheat is a part of the rhubarb family and is classified as a fruit!
  • A variation of a soba dish called Toshikoshi Soba is traditionally eaten on New Year’s Eve and symbolizes longevity.
  • Buckwheat is gluten-free and has recently been used as a substitute in gluten-free beers.
  • Buckwheat contains all 8 essential amino acids.




- Soba Noodles: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2341.html - What Is Buckwheat? An Incredible Plant with a Long History: https://hullopillow.com/what-is-buckwheat/ - Soba: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soba#Hot_soba_dishes - Buckwheat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckwheat#History - https://pixabay.com/photos/soba-noodles-near-buckwheat-801660/ - https://www.google.com/imgresimgurl=httpscdn.pixabay.comphoto201908221908buckwheat-4424189_960_720.jpg&imgrefurl=httpspixabay.comphotosbuckwheat-fagopyrum-esculentum-4424189&docid=AfunGRdL7LBcGM&tbnid=DOCCv93aDOBeZM&vet=10ahUKEwjWjJqn2I3nAhUqCTQIHdc5AuYQMwiSASgTMBM..i&w=960&h=640&bih=588&biw=1422&q=buckwheat&ved=0ahUKEwjWjJqn2I3nAhUqCTQIHdc5AuYQMwiSASgTMBM&iact=mrc&uact=8