Fettuccine Alfredo is a popular dish around the world, it contains white butter cheese sauce with delicious pasta.
History of Fettuccine Alfredo
The earliest record of this plate can be found in the 15th century, a famous Italian chief called Martino da Como. In his book; The Art of Cooking: The First Modern Cookery Book mentioned that using broth cook noodles and add some butter and some cheese and become a beautiful dish.
In recent history, this plate improved by another chief called Alfredo Di Leli. In the 1920s, he wants to help his pregnant wife to eat something soft so he created Fettuccine Alfredo. Later, he owns a new restaurant called Alfredo alla Scrofa (This restaurant even stands today, you can find in Rome!) and brings this plate to the world!
Nowadays, people can just go to the supermarket and buy different types of Alfredo sauce to put into pasta!
How to create a Classic Fettuccine Alfredo
- Kosher salt
- 1 pound dried fettuccine
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick)
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 1 1/2 cups Parmesan cheese (freshly grated, plus more for garnish)
- 2 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley (chopped, plus more for garnish)
- Freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
- Boiling salt water around 8 or 9 minutes then put your favorite pasta
- Heat butter for 15 minutes into creaming shape
- Add cheese and pepper and keep stir
- Drain the pasta and add a bit cold water ( Add cold water can make pasta chewier)
- Add dry cheese slices
- Eat Eat Eat!
For more interesting stories please read:
- https://expatexplore.com/blog/fettuccine-alfredo-history-true-italian-pasta/
- Want to know how to cook?
https://www.thespruceeats.com/fettuccine-alfredo-recipe-995919 - Want to know about the 15th century’s meal?
The Art of Cooking: The First Modern Cookery Book
Sources used: https://books.google.ca/books?id=230kDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA158&lpg=PA158&dq=Roman+pasta+by+Martino+da+Como&source=bl&ots=2VAtunJkV_&sig=ACfU3U1kmVZp4HwDaDJmWMxCwyah7CKXuw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwji-cm0jeDoAhXvHzQIHe9YBj0Q6AEwDnoECAwQKQ#v=onepage&q&f=false https://www.thespruceeats.com/fettuccine-alfredo-recipe-995919 https://expatexplore.com/blog/fettuccine-alfredo-history-true-italian-pasta/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fettuccine_Alfredo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martino_da_Como
A good example of the original, simple recipe being so much better than all of the compicated sauces prepared commercially!