Greek Yogurt Honey Parfait: What is it?

Non-fat Greek Yogurt



Pumpkin Seeds

Dried Cranberries

Where did at least one of its parts originate from?


-Earliest findings of honey which is also related to beekeeping goes back to 2450 B.C.E.

-Dates back to 2100 B.C in Egypt.

-Organic and natural sugar that has a very long shelf life. 

-A very healthy alternative compared to processed sugar. 

-Comes from bees who pollinate and gather nectar from flowers. 


Historical Significance?

-Both Egypt and Germany was so valuable that they used honey as offering and a form of currency.

-In Egypt, husbands gave their wives honey during the wedding ceremony as a promise. Honey was valued so highly that it was worshiped and many offered it to Gods.

-Many peasants in Germany did not have money so honey was used to pay their lords. 

-Honey was is very healthy and gives a lot of antioxidants. In result, many use it in their foods and drinks.

-Back in 1100, Europeans consumed so much honey, around 4.5 pounds per person each year. During that time, it was the only sweetener available. 

-Not just used as food but only varnishes for furnitures and medicine. 

-During war times in Rome, soldiers used honey to heal their wounds. 

“A Brief History of Honey.” The Honey Association. (Accessed April 10, 2020.) “Bees, Beekeeping and Honey: Early Honey History.” Heathmont Honey. (Accessed April 10, 2020). “The Remarkable History and Healing Power of Honey.” Treehugger. (Accessed April 10, 2020). “What is honey?” The Spruce Eats. (Accessed April 10, 2020).